I'm Gonna Need That

A nice place to work,
love it here
entertaining, soo funny.
Saturday night,
after a ten hour shift,
being lazy for once- smart!
It's gonna be a lonngg year
Ready .. Let's go..
Crossing my fingers & toes for
Sweet sleep in fifty years..
I guess.
This is me.

Tweets Used..
crossing my fingers & toes that we have a Ravens and 49ers superbowl!! Let's go...
Soo funny, this is me in fifty years ..
Alyssa's 21st at Ott's Saturday night! After a ten hour shift, I'm gonna need that  
Dr. Seuss is wild. How can rhyming books with first-grade words be so entertaining?
seems like a nice place to work
Wild work out, ready for sweet sleep
being lazy for once ... i could get used to this
I hate social media, SMH. At least #twitterive isn't that. I guess.
Two years ago, a mom blog showed me to use a blow dryer on high heat to melt purple crayon off of my white closet door. Smart!
She's going to love it here. Not to mention, feel like a big girl. Big library, too!